Church St Simeon - The door frame - 29/01/11 - 18:30
Church St Simeon - The door frame - 30/01/11 - 10:30
4th Sunday in Ordinary Time A
Church St Simeon - The door frame - 30/01/11 - 10:30
4th Sunday in Ordinary Time A
(Texts: So 2.3, 3.12 to 13 - Ps 145 - 1 Co 1.26-31 - Mt 5:1-12)
(Image: The Mount of Beatitudes)
Welcoming remarks:
Brothers sisters,
"Happy! "... Christ calls us to be happy, that's good news! Christ invites us to find true happiness, one of his disciples. It invites us to look beyond this world and see the link between our life here and now, and the realization of the Kingdom.
Brothers and sisters,
Gospel we just heard we just repeat what is being a disciple of Christ ... It is not the first to follow a list of rules of behavior. What is first is the story of love that unites us to God and all mankind. Of course, living in the love of God, this can not be done anyway: when I love someone, I try my behavior, my words, make him happy. Want to love God without trying to live as He asks me, is him lie and lie to yourself. A Christian faithful of Christ, can not and should not live forever in the same way as the others ... but do not put the cart before the horse! Being a Christian is not first comply with the commandments is, first love and tap into this source is love the life force adjusted to the love of God.
Now look a little closer to the speech of the Beatitudes. The main word of this passage is obviously the word "happy" which returns 9 times. It's like a refrain that has the rhythm of the speech Jesus. It may be noted that in these beatitudes there first 8 that belong together (including "the kingdom of heaven is theirs") and another, more developed, which is entering into any such development. This word very often in the Bible, always sounds like an encouragement, it is a dynamic word which means: you're on track, forward, continuous journey to the kingdom.
Beatitudes can be viewed both as a program of life that Jesus wants to give those who come to listen, and also as an invitation to look beyond the appearances of this world: each of us contributes to building the Kingdom of God with his little ways. The poor of heart, the meek, those who mourn, those who hunger and thirst for righteousness ... that's us! They are also all those whom Jesus had before him when he spoke, people in search ...
Jesus makes us look at everything through the eyes of God Himself and we learn to marvel ; the Kingdom is where we did not expect: the poverty of heart, sweetness, tears, hunger and thirst for justice, mercy, purity of heart, unjust persecution for Christ's sake ... Our weakness may become the raw material of the Kingdom of God.
All Beatitudes are virtually contained in the first. The Kingdom of Heaven is the promised land, the place of solace, where it is satisfied, where we see God ... So the important thing well first and foremost of poverty heart.
Let us on this idea. The poor of heart, are those who have not the heart or the proud haughty look, as the psalm says. These are the small, humble, like the publican in the parable. The poor in heart are those who do are not completely sated, satisfied, so full of themselves that there is more room for them in the Lord. The parable of the Pharisee was so full of himself, so self-sufficient, that there is in him the slightest room for the Lord.
Being a poor heart, I recognize that there is still a lack, an absence, a desire, a call to something bigger, more beautiful, more high vacuum only God can fill. Quality mentioned here is the spirit of poverty in which we can accept the gifts that God wants us.
Growing so in us that poverty of the heart that we leave space for us that God can be established. Open our hearts to the Lord, as poor and beggars in need of love from Him to reach their full communion with Him and among ourselves, to serve our brothers and sisters in humanity.
David Journault †
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