Thursday, February 10, 2011

How To Make Hair Less Poofy

Homily of February 6 - 5th Sunday Ordinary Time A A press

Church St Simeon - The door frame - 5/02/11 - 18:30
St Georges Church - Montigné - 6/02/11 - 10:30
5th Sunday in Ordinary Time A

(Texts: Is 58.7-10 - Psalm 111 to 1 2.1 to 5 Co - Mt from 5.13 to 16)

(Image: Jean-François Kieffer, thousand images Gospel )

Welcoming remarks:
Brothers and sisters,
Here we are again gathered around the altar and ambo, to come to communion with the Body and the Word of Christ. We do not come just for us. We celebrate "for the glory of God and the salvation of the world" . Yes, as Jesus repeated in the Gospel, we are the salt of the earth and light of the world.
Brothers and sisters,
The Word of God this Sunday uses the image of light, to discuss the just man, who fears the Lord. Man of faith, who trusts in God is a "bright man".
Thus, in the first reading the prophet Isaiah describes the one who takes care of the poor as a man whose light rises like the dawn, and builds relationships of peace and charity, a man whose light shines in the darkness.
just and generous man, by the rightness of his life, love acts in which he testifies about him, breaks the freezing of a society closed in upon itself, which deals not those in need. For the love of God which he testimony, which is a sign acting, which is a kind of "sacrament", the man just has to bring heat and light to those around him.
In the Gospel, Jesus compares himself to his disciples that he must put a lamp on a stand, for it gives light to everyone in the house.
Light a lamp and then hide it, put it under a bushel, though that's something that makes no sense, it's totally absurd! The lamp can not be hidden or covered or it does absolutely nothing, it loses its meaning and function, for which it was created.
The light is made to shine, to enlighten, to help them navigate, and the "light of men" corresponds with their good works, that is to say, with acts of love and justice: we are men and women in bright light when we do what is right and good about us. This is not the outer beauty that radiates, but holiness, and love it so. The love received from God and given to others is the only "cosmetic" that makes us truly shine and shine!
More seriously, the liturgy that brings us together around Christ becomes a celebration of light, that man just may radiate to the world by his testimony. The fair, flooded with divine light, becomes in turn a torch that shines and gives warmth. Unfortunately, we know we can sometimes be like lamps that is put under a bushel, if we move away from the source of light that is love of God, then we are like a candle private oxygen: we suffocate under a bushel and we may put it out. Bushel, can be our indifference to God, our dignity forget our baptism, our spiritual laziness, our submission to the imperatives of that time which reverses the thing to place man above God, money above the love, lust for possession over the pursuit of justice ... The ball is all that makes us forget or overlook one who said of himself: "I am the Light" .
The testimony of faith requires not only by words but also through works of justice and peace. The Christian, without hiding or become lazy, must be exposed to the light of God, especially beneficial rays of the sun Eucharist, for nourishment and, once received the Light, it does not "capture" or imprisoned under the "bushel" personal but he must shine on all those around him.
Then it will be truly faithful to his vocation, for which God created it: to love and be loved.
David Journault †


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