by a pastor of the Reformed Church of France, this is truly what the title says, he wanted to write a letter explaining the Christian faith who married his daughter, a young man of science and agnostic ... the story does not say what he thought of writing this!
4th cover
The son of author, scientist, is an agnostic, whereas the absolute remains inaccessible to humans. His stepfather, theologian, would explain why he believes in Jesus Christ and how his beliefs feed on the Bible and tradition. First, the author recalls to his son what the Bible says about the human, especially on matters of creation, significant chapter in the relationship between a scientist and a believer. Then he discusses what the Bible says about God before specifying the conditions for a Christian life, translated into the categories of faith as a gift, protest and confidence. In this letter, which reads in one go, "said Antoine Nouis essentially a Christian catechism with words and examples accessible to all, far from the language of wood and not resolving the challenges posed by other currents thought. We meet several examples from everyday life and some exciting stories to to stage an argument in favor of faith. This book offers a simple and clever little introduction to the Christian faith, for those who reject it, but for anyone who wants to deepen.
Title: Letter to my son agnostic to explain the Christian faith
Publisher: Labor et Fides
Year: 2010
ISBN: 978-2-8309-1379-8
Price: 15 , 00 €
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