Monday, December 27, 2010
Monster Energy Drink Distribution Rights
In a few hours I put in roads to reach the city of Rotterdam, the Netherlands, and 30,000 young people expected to attend the European Meeting of Taizé.
golds and already I wish you all a Happy New Year 2011 in peace, joy, love and giving of yourself.
P. David Journault
Hair Styles For Indian Wedding Reception
Friday, December 24, 2010 Solemnity of the Nativity of Our Lord - Midnight Mass
(Texts: Is 9.1-6 - Psalm 95 - 2.11-14 Tt - Luke 2 1-14)
Jesus shows us the way because, as St. Athanasius said, "God became man so that man might become God. 'Imitating Christ, we are truly his adoptive brothers and we enter into the intimacy Holy Trinity ...
Monday, December 20, 2010
Can You Get Pityriasis Rosea More Then Once?
must be young to understand the mystery of Christmas
Christmas, so it is primarily a call to recognize and uphold the dignity of the most vulnerable: the young child in the womb, the sick or disabled, the old end of life. Because they are vulnerable, precisely, they are demanding from us more attention and kindness, they are simply asking to be welcomed and loved for who they are. It's so important to repeat. Because our society is full of great inventions, scientific and technological wealth, our company has all the materials needed and who is at the top of modernity is however a company that is afraid of disability and vulnerability. This explains that the temptation of eugenics and euthanasia has never been as pervasively present today. However, a company that no longer respects the dignity of the person, a company that refuses to welcome the vulnerability, a company that ultimately threatens the life of the weakest is a company that could at any time to switch into inhumanity and barbarism.
exchange our gifts, live joyously celebrate! Yes! But do not forget the innumerable small and unloved that our society does not. Happy Christmas to all!
Bishop of Laval
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Moab Utah April Temperature
After the rain
Sergi Belbel.
Directed Philippe Bazatole
At Emmaus Sassenage:
-Sunday, May 22 at 18 pm
-Saturday, May 28 at 20:30
-Sunday, May 29 at 18h,
- Saturday, June 11 at 20:30
- Sunday, June 12 at 18 pm
to Tronche (Earthenware):
-Tuesday, June 14 at 20:30
in Vinay, in Francois:
-Saturday, June 18 at 19h
-On Saturday, June 25, 2011 at Circle Theatre, a show
théâtralo musical co-
with our new friends
of Harmony Sassenage
the 160 candles on the Pitch Tanks
- Saturday 19 November 26 and December 3 at 20:30 and Sundays
20, November 27 and December 4 at 18h
of Jean -Claude Grumberg
Directed Maud Hasdenteufel
A show for and with children
Directed by Robin Laurence
in December 2011 and soon after
Marius ...
Friday, December 17, 2010
What Is A Lump On The Gum Above A Tooth

Comedy Marcel Pagnol
Director: Christine Favaro
Luccioni Jacques, Guillaume Courtin
Lecouffe Jean Philippe Giraud, Sandrine Clement, Nicolas
Diamantenios, Didier Brignoli, Christopher Pike, Maud
Hasdenteufel and Philippe Bazatole
can be read on his tomb this epitaph
(borrowed Virgil) :
" Fontes Amicos, uxorem Delex "
"He loved the sources, his friends, his wife"
Author : Born in Aubagne, February 28, 1895, a schoolteacher father and a seamstress mother, from high school he began writing poems for the magazine Massilia. He joined the faculty of letters from Aix-en-Provence in 1913 and founded with some friends Khâgne, Fortunio , a literary magazine that will Les Cahiers du Sud . Two years later he was appointed professor at the College of Tarascon. In 1925, appointed to Paris, he began to frequent literary circles.
With Topaz he actually starts his career as a playwright. The following year, Marius , Marcel Pagnol uses the famous comedian Raimu which will be unforgettable Caesar in the trilogy. On stage, he made a dazzling career, but very short, stopped by the birth of the talkies.
In 1931, he worked at while filming Marius, the first film of a long film career: 21 feature films until 1954. In 1933, he founded his production company and chose to devote himself to cinema. Two years later, he founded the Cahiers du Cinema . In 1945, he married actress Jacqueline Bouvier whom he shares several roles, including that of Manon des Sources . He was elected to the French Academy the following year. On 18 April 1974 he died in Paris.
playwright and poet, Marcel Pagnol was able to revive his work alive Provence, between laughter and emotion, depicting the soul and southern manners. (Source: Wikipedia)
History: The port of Marseille, in the twenties. Marius, the son of Caesar, owner of the bar of the Navy is torn between his love for Fanny and his desire to go to sea, traveling the world ...
"If you can not cheat with his friends,
no longer bother to play cards. "
¤ At Emmaus, Sassenage (ZI Moironds, RD 1532, Noyarey direction):
- Saturdays January 29 and February 5 2011, at 20:30
- The Sunday, January 30 and February 6, 2011 at 18h
¤ In Theatre Round , Sassenage :
** Reservations required **
Information / Reservations :
¤ Tel. : 06 99 80 34 85
¤ Mail:
Tickets from Emmaus (Sassenage):
¤ Fee: 5 Euros
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Mount And Blade Magyar Mod
Y are some who do not really miss the nerve!
I just got this morning in my mailbox a card addressed to the parish of St. Benedict Rivers, Scientology! This sect, who dares call themselves church only interested in power and money to a Catholic parish offers a training program!
I quote, that is funny:
Whatever the problem ... we can do something.
Discover 19 practical and effective methods to help others anytime and anywhereThat's it! Scientology will save the world! They have all the solutions to all problems! And soon, with finance, we will solve all your problems!
- deal with people upset
- help children
- repair relations
- well more
The saddest part of this story is that with such stupidities they manage to indoctrinate people.
The only thing that comforts me is that it must be costly because, brace yourself, the card reaches me from New Zealand! Go
good day anyway!
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Nhl Players Equipment
A very nice little article on page 11 of the newspaper "La Croix" today, written by Nicolas Caesar. I am sharing:
Husband and wife since 28 November 1929, the Minato "have vowed that nothing would break their history" .
Children, Angelo Amabile and lived opposite one another in their hometown, Roncade in the Treviso area, not far from Venice. Moreover, these fervent Catholics believe that "was a sign from God" . So on the porch of the church, just 10 years, Angelo him declare his love: "You'll be my wife." since they are inseparable, despite the war and fascism that led into exile in France. Angelo arrived first in 1925 and joined the Amabile in 1926. Children of farmers, they chose Mézin (Lot-et-Garonne), to build their "nest." Here, Angelo was able to realize his dream and move the ring finger of his bride 28 November 1929, the day of the 20 years of it.
"It brought a love unfailing by a strong belief in God. They have always prayed together every morning and evening " said, admiringly, Jeanine, 74, their daughter, who supports his home ten years. For it is here that we must seek the explanation of the longevity of their relationship. "They took an oath before God that nothing would break their history." On land, too, their union is under guard. "We spoil the lot. Every Sunday, children gather around their table " says Sylvie, one of their granddaughters. Today is a great family that surrounds them: four children, seven grandchildren, twelve great-grandchildren arrièrearrière-and grand-son.
For Jeanine, is a just reward. "They have been very privileged and have been attentive to others. (...) When my cousins, aunts or co-workers had nothing to eat, they always gave something, even if it was just soup ", she says. Because their life was tough: 'They worked hard, cold, factories cork Mézin ", says she. Of wholeness, even authoritative for Amabile, these two lovers have managed to get their act together and send their offspring to their highest values dear: faith, family spirit and work.
They still command the admiration of their children and grandchildren. Amabile if no longer mentally capable, Angelo watches over her like a treasure, "his" treasure, with a love more demonstrative. "I never saw my grandfather kiss my grandmother. Today, he externalizes his feelings and he made lots of hugs " says Sylvie, deeply moved.
Kitchen Table On Everybody Loves Raymond
The new "Letter from Taizé" for 2011 is now available.
It is entitled "Letter Chile ", since it is in Santiago, Chile that took place from 8 to 12 December 2010 the second international meeting of young people in Latin America.
As every year, the prior of Taizé, Brother Alois after Brother Roger, has give us a text reflection and deepening faith.
Happy reading.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Describe A Car Accident
After the heavy defeat of France's rugby team against Australia, Adidas has been the morale of fans Parisian rugby by making the All Blacks ahead after their European tour victory.
international 5 New Zealand: Dan Carter, Richie McCaw, Mils Miuliaina, Conrad Smith, Sam Whitelock and their coach Graham Henry was so this Wednesday and Thursday in Paris for the needs of their OEM program with an autograph session and some sports.
Wednesday, they met some French players in the Stadium including Mathieu Bastareaud (very popular in New Zealand) and young rugby players to feel the leather on a snowy field. To immortalize the meeting between Blacks and Stadiste Adidas launches a black polo shirt with the logos of the two teams. The advantage of such a sport polo is not clear as possible its commercial success.
This meeting was followed by an autograph session from 5 New Zealand players at the Adidas Brand Center on the Champs Elysees. To promote the Internet, several bloggers (dedicated to rugby or not) have been involved in publishing a post about the event with the teaser video and providing readers with autographed balls to win. Got there over 2 hours in advance (too careful), I had time to tour the most beautiful avenue in the world and was surprised to see a zodiac colors of the All Blacks placed just outside the entrance Fouquet's. The mark of the boat, Sealegs, is a partner of the New Zealand team, so she wanted to take advantage of the arrival of the players in Paris to his promotion.
Back in Brand Center, everything was in place to accommodate the players and fans. The famous black shirts were of course highlighted by being carried by dealers and players, and present along the queue along with other derivatives of Blacks including balloons that were much more successful than shirts and jerseys. The players are loaned to the exercise with enthusiasm, they were quite nice. For cons, I was very disappointed that Richie McCaw was absent in full session after only a few minutes to be interviewed by Bernard Laporte (on seeing happen I thought it was canvassing for Bayonne). So, I did not have a right to my dedication of the captain of New Zealand.
The next morning, the All Blacks met Claude Onesta, coach of the France team (equipped by Adidas), accompanied by Thierry Omeyer, Jerome Fernandez and the bloggers who participated in the promotion of operation. They were able to handball player and the touch rugby (it must be very frustrating player in rugby with the All Blacks without being able to tackle).
Note that the Twitter account of the rugby section of Adidas ( adidasrugby_FR ) allowed users to watch live the whole operation including promotional photos.
I thank the mark for 3 bands for allowing me to see in flesh and bone Dan Carter and his teammates even though I loved being around them more and be part of selected bloggers.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Drinking Pop And Canker Sores
Money, Credit, Financing, but it's very simple
far I am very reluctant to rally behind the banner of Social Credit, for purely technical reasons - even though their arguments humanistic, sociological and economic I had always appeared the ring of common sense. The technical argument that I 'do not feel' was the famous discount.
I'm trying to understand it, nothing worked. I even wrote a post about this, telling me that if I tried to explain it to others, I would see more clear. Neither worked, for some reason I think right now is that this " compensated discount " has no place, it is quite unnecessary, and, moreover, difficult to establish , if indeed we want to apply, unlike the other two principles: currency-credit community service and a social dividend .
Before resuming the only question that matters, how to finance the tens of thousands, even millions, of production processes that characterize any modern economy, I would like to offer a methodological reflection that I sketched many years ago when I was working on problems of artificial intelligence and expert systems. I mean the question of passage from concrete to abstract , inductive analysis of the above synthesis deductive model before talking, let's look at the actual card before speaking include at least territory.
Among the many math teachers who tried to teach me some knowledge in this area, there are scarcely two that really marked me for one reason, before explaining or demonstrating theorem importantly, they tried to from a practical problem that led to this theorem .
Thus, the famous theorem of Thales, that we meet in third. This was my teacher terminal - a converted old X to education - which we had talked about a specific problem posed to Archimedes (regardless of whether it or not a legend), that of estimating the height of a pyramid: the question of similar triangles was there in germ.
It took me until a chance encounter with a teacher - when I was preparing aggregation math - so I can again speak with a teacher (not even aggregate) which addressed the problems and important theorems on the basis of experimental data. I was far from my college courses or 'Bourbakist' service was launched in topological definitions of a priori not even attempt to explain why their definitions. It's like if Riemann had forgotten the spherical spaces to justify his non-Cartesian geometry.
What relationship with the corporate finance and production processes would tell me you? I come here. In the various
discussions on the currency in which I participated, which have mostly turned to experts quibbling Byzantine scholars most of us have more or less managed to convey to lay the lifecycle of a ticket without always send others to do the same for the issuance of bank money - at least for central bank money.
This is obviously not their skills - undeniable - that must be challenged, but the total lack - at least that seems like now - to stand on concrete demand for money, at least demand 'economic' money, not the demand for liquidity needs or speculation.
Take an example to be as concrete as possible - for example raised by supporters of Social Credit but treated incorrectly, in my opinion at least.
us consider a company, among the hundreds of thousands possible, who wants to produce a certain commodity, a 'good'. Consider that there are four factors 'expenditure' possible, machine depreciation which will be called Amortization - the various 'consumers' and other intermediate products - Rated MAT - wages - and finally scored SAL profits and other financial charges - noted PROF. We could of course bring in a much finer breakdown, but the idea here is to show two things.
1) financing needs of this process (what we might call, somewhat unfairly, the demand for money) exists if it is not instantaneous (in which case costs and revenues would or could be, simultaneously: it is the major criticism that can be done simultaneously with the models showing the curves of supply and demand curves, claiming that the adjustment of production and demand reacts instantaneously to price information). This
(need) funding can take various forms, and has no reason in particular, to be identical for the four major 'drivers of expenditure, AMOR, MAT, SAL and PROF
2) the fact, indisputable that the sum + PROF SAL (and even more so for SAL alone) is less than the total financing requirement of production, namely PRODb = AMORb MATB + + + BAS PROFb.
Faced with this evidence as to offset the discount was introduced, incorrectly, by Proponents of Social Credit, which has been useless imprudence discredit theories, otherwise flawless, Major Douglas and his successors. We certainly can not fault the staff of Douglas did not use the input-output Leontief taking into account the exchange inter-company to explain the difference between national income - that is to say sum of all salaries and benefits distributed over the various processes - and sum of all sales (that is to say borrowing requirement) made, or expected, as a consequence of same process. But this theoretical weakness, however, is indisputable.
So our real problem, put as simply a problem of financing costs of four factors:
To be as general as possible, we will imagine that each expense factor may have a 'source of funding' different, knowing that if the 'trust' reign, and reigned, they could settle for a mere accounting entries, such as:
The producer must PRODUCTEURb AMORb (at suppliers of machines) - it will list somewhere - and MATB (to suppliers of consumables and intermediate goods) - it will list somewhere - and BAS (for employees) - another entry - and finally PROFb (for its shareholders and its bankers last-entry accounting . When PRODUCTEURb has sold its production to expected prices, it will receive its buyers against the party (which might only be an accountant) of its original listings of 'factors of expenditure', various written and will be fully compensated.
It n 'there is no need for monetary circulation' real 'simple scripts (Accountants) have done the trick.
can obviously complicated, and that the production process was accompanied by a money issue, and that the sale is an equal dollar destruction, but it seems to me to bring anything new. However, I would return to this point about the concept of complementary currency, or local or regional, or private - whatever term.
Now for the real, concrete situation, the context in which 'trust,' credit 'does not just happen. Instead of a call only serious and honest accounting - there are certainly - we're going to use four different funding sources.
PRODUCTEURb will appeal to the mutual inter-enterprise credit to finance AMORb, why he may sign a trade deals for a period equivalent to the duration of its production process. Any interest, if any, will affect the cost factor PROFb
PRODUCTEURb can call his local bank to finance its MATB - what is sometimes called crop loans - again, interest, s' there will affect the position PROFb.
PRODUCTEURb may also apply to employees wait for the end of production (and sale of PRODb) to be paid. But he may also ask his bank for a cash advance to cover these salary expenditures: again, any costs will be able to augment PROFb.
PRODUCTEURb finally asked his bank for an advance pay both dividends to its shareholders, and to repay the interest owed by the mere fact of bank financing any of his other 'expenditure factors' - also known as production costs .
So instead PRODUCTEURb that is his own bank (this is also true for the state), lack of trust - or absolute power obtained today by the banking system (the banking and financial sphere has thus taken over, may finally be on the real economy, yet only produce real wealth), PRODUCTEURb must - at least in the contemporary context - request advances (on which it will pay financial expenses) to banks. These banks have as yet only merit, if one may say that the emergence of "trusted third party guaranteeing the value of both" AMOR "of" MAT "" profit "and" SAL3 while, of course, if the company is not "trust" all the money pledged to the true value of PRODb not worth much.
It is as if, to guarantee the value of a company - which produces goods or services 'real' - was preferred to rely on banks ensure that, in fact, that the 'wind' ( with the guarantee of the state, it is true, at least until the crisis occurs).
Now back to complementary currency, or local, or private. One objective of the preceding argument is to show that a company or a set of business or department, or a lander or a region can be sufficiently powerful (and 'trust') to issue its own currency, without necessarily creating music (and piles) of paper labeled 'bank notes' - it seems that is prohibited.
Mere bookkeeping may suffice, that those accounts are in books, computer databases or computer chips. Call
so good political will to : what is the mayor, the deputy, the president of council or regional dare leap? Or do we prefer to continue to suffer the dictates of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank, or its vassals of the European Commission and the ECB? The example of Ireland is not enough there to question the role of banks?
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Can A Cat Get A Respiratory Infection From A Dog?
scandal debts and public interests, the main cause of disaster foretold ...
As aptly wrote AJ Holbecq, one can not dispute that the French state - and most heavily indebted states in the euro area - has paid interest since 1973's abysmal public debt (1.5 trillion in late 2009 more than three quarters of GDP, and only slightly less than 1600 billion at end 2010).
remember that this is straight from the famous reform 'Giscard d'Estaing,' Article 25 of the 1973 law forbidding the state to submit its own effects in the Bank of France - 'Innovation' endorsed Then in the Maastricht Treaty as EU Directive.
Note that this principle " no direct financing statements " was in line with the history of the "financial deregulation" so-called 'liberal' - even a supposedly liberal economist, the late Allais, has always protested against the directive, instead of another French economist, considered him as the left D.Strauss-Kahn, the current director of the IMF.
The interest earned in thirty five years are such that the current public debt would have even been zero or even negative if there was no such interest ( an annual average of over 45 billion ) to be paid to creditors, mostly private.
Many voices have been raised for years - too often trying to cling to quarrels Byzantine on the benefits or perceived benefits of 'banking principle' or the 'Currency Principle', one of the best summaries contained in C. Gomez , disciple and friend of Allais - calling for a reform of the monetary system.
Inverting the maxim, often at work among the princes who govern us " why make it simple when it can be complicated " - I will leave it up to the evil thought that this complication is that a smokescreen to make people swallow the little snakes increasingly strong - why not consider a different approach, and try to keep it simple?
For abolition of interest on public debt:
Since the mechanism of interest is the main cause of the increase of these debts, both public and private, why not delete those interests - at least those concerning debts of the APU '(State, various administrations, and Social Security Administration)
It would involve a "small" technical adjustment (reform of the relevant article in the Treaty of Lisbon).
It is true that it is also a political act as our partners euro area, and beyond the EU may oppose. It would surprise me very worrisome, however, after the example of Greece and Ireland in the face of public deficits and debts exceeding all reasonable opportunity to absorb short-medium term - even with extreme measures of severity and unbearable socially (and economically stupid) - you can reject this proposal out of hand.
Especially since it is quite possible that Portugal, Spain, Italy, Poland, and even France are soon in a situation similar: we could therefore expect some understanding on the part of many governments - even if their "partners" or financial advisors do not probably hear the same ear.
But even if we reject this treaty, even threatening to leave the EU for this, why not? If Paris was well worth a Mass for Henry of Navarre, out of the euro or the EU to overcome the financial crisis and its thousands or millions or billions of collateral damage and a death-spiral can be worth the coup - and the cost.
Put more precisely, give back state the power to self-finance its own spending , rather than borrowing to 3% from banks or other 'partners' financial that the European Central Bank - supposedly an offshoot of sovereign states - ready less than 1%, if not through recapitalizations implicit or hidden.
To a suspension of debts:
If this first measure of common sense is not enough (even if it would save 45 to 50,000,000,000 per year to the state, that is to say to all of us, or twice half the deficit of social security - and much of the hole 'pensions') we can go much further.
Again very simply, 'would' be a moratorium on all debts public or on the debt held by our fellow citizens (if you do not want to upset the foreigner, even if the possibility of Chinese armored or Russia coming to pay their debtors seems pretty unlikely).
I am confident that Ireland, like Portugal and many other countries that would not take a dim view of the moratorium on debt, instead of austerity unprecedented them is, or will they be imposed. Proposal may
naive does one argue. France no longer find or not find more, lenders outside its own borders or even inside? And same thing for Greece, Ireland, Portugal ...
Big deal ... Although one might think that money rules the world, this is not money that we eat, we consume, which produces real wealth .
Delete debts does not change anything in production capacity of France, Ireland, Portugal, nor its potential export capacity.
France, like any modern country, obviously needs to use an internal currency as payment internally. But on the outside perspective, we are still in the system of barter, as Airbus cons few million tons of textiles and hundreds of thousands of toys from Asia, or elsewhere, and it does are not excessive variations of the Yuan, the dollar or euro that change anything in this issue of international trade.
If there are more foreign lenders, because for more than France, and any other sovereign country, to resume "beat" its own currency , rather than assigning this task to banks, national or international.
Can we overcome the crisis differently?
The other branch of the alternative is simple and terrifying: continue to talk about the virtues of an international monetary system composed of a basket of regional currencies which is not known yet - and neither the U.S. nor China are willing to accept - and see the old - or young - Europe sink deeper and deeper into crisis, making a default of payment means a failure to produce wealth.
Do not fall into the trap of King Midas, who died of hunger before a pile of gold. We must deny that the financial and banking system - which should be a simple accounting system to facilitate trade - driven into poverty more and more people. It is true that, as would Devos said, since when our elites believe that a person who is someone that must be addressed?
The scepter of the misery it would haunt Europe, because we want to continue to confuse financial sphere - Or bank - and economic sphere, bankers and entrepreneurs, pensioners and farmers. Do we continue to accept money from the financial world conducts the world, and suggests that the collusion between politicians, bankers, real estate or other tax havens or financial "- denounced by a number of media - is unsurpassable reality?
Contractors, producers, workers of all countries, unite against the dictates of finance.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Lifecam Vx-3000 Not Recognized
We will resume our initial sectoral approach, involving four sectors, sector.1 goods production the sector2 property consumption of the sector3 'virtual' intermediate goods and industry4, representing the production of public services .
With obvious notation we have, for i varying from 1 to 4:
PROD = ADP + + AMOR SALI PROFi + + + RMDi Gouves
The only restraint industry4 specificity will be that, Traditionally, the public sector makes no profits, there will therefore PROF4 = 0 (but it would not matter if PROF4 was greater than 0)
In models two and three-sector outlined above (which represent simplification of national accounts tables, with notations personal AMOR depreciation of physical capital, MAT for intermediate consumption, SAL for wage income and profits for PROF) we already noted, of course, that the amount of CA production sectors is obviously much higher than the GDP (due to various exchanges between sectors during the process).
GDP will be equal, the same way as above, to:
PROD1 & 2 & 3 & 4 - AMOR1 & 2 & 3 & 4 - MAT1 & 2 & 3 & 4
And we find, of course, that the GDP is also equal to the Value Added, itself equal to
SAL1 & 2 & 3 & 4 + PROF1 & 2 & 3 + RMD1 & 2 & 3 & 4 + GOUV1 & 2 & 3 & 4
We simply allowed to consider that public officials, all employees in industry4, had wages, not 'treatments' (to simplify the notations), and assumed that the profits of that industry4 were zero.
RMD1 & 2 & 3 & 4 or REX1 & 2 & 3 & 4 are also what some call the Social Dividend, GOV is the tax paid by each sector (we have integrated the 'production process' is one of many possible choices). GOV RMD and thus correspond to "rights holders" to "unearned income" over the various 'production process'.
With a balanced budget, we would GOV & & 2 & 3 & 4 = PROD4 (taxes just balancing the production of industry4, the public sector) but this is not essential to the coherent functioning of the model.
We'll take a numerical example to fix ideas, assuming (many more could be selected) that Rexi and GOV are both taxes on value added , the same rate as taken by sector (but you can choose quite another thing, if 'politically one so decides).
So, for i between 1 and 4, it will take:
Rexi or RMDi = (SALI PROFi +) * MSY rates, and similarly
GOV = (SALI PROFi +) * tauxGOUV
The LDR (Low Income Dignity) - REX - is distributed on an "out process", whereas GOV, taxes 'traditional' are only paying for the production of industry4, the public sector (including staff salaries).
If one wants make figures more or less realistic, one could imagine that tauxRMD is about 20%, and the GOV rate of 30%.
PROD1 = 1920 = 600 + 400 + (690 + 230) * (1 - txRMD - txGOUV)
+ (620 + 230) * (+ txRMD txGOUV) (Sector "capital goods")
prod2 = 1200 = 150 + 250 + 600 + 200 (Area "consumer goods")
PROD3 = 1200 = 700 + 350 + 100 + 50 (sector 'virtual' intermediate goods)
PROD4 = 1000 = 300 + 200 + 500 (no profits in the public sector)
Or, by decomposing the value added by SAL + + LDR + GOV PROF:
PROD1 = 1920 = 600 + 400 + 345 + 115 + 184 + 276
prod2 = 1200 = 150 + 250 + 300 + 100 + 160 + 240
PROD3 = 1200 = 700 + 350 + 50 + 25 + 30 + 45
PROD4 = 1000 = 300 + 200 + 250 + 100 + 150
was then:
INV_N = 1920 to 1750 + 1200-1200 = 170
(= PROD1 & 3 - AMOR1 & 2 & 3 & 4 - MAT1 & 2 & 3 & 4)
Wages = SAL1 & 2 & 3 & 4 = 945
Profit = PROF1 & 2 & 3 = 240 = RMD1
Social Dividend & 2 & 3 & 4 = 474 Taxes other
GOUV1 = & 2 & 3 & 4 = 711
GDP is equal to INV_N + + prod2 PROD4
= 2370 Value added = PROF SAL + + LDR + GOV = 2370 (not surprisingly ...)
This production "net" amount after what has been "consumed" in different production process, takes the value of 2370, and is broken down into 170 Net Investment, 1200, consumer goods, and 1000 public service.
If we wanted to balance the state budget would have required increasing the txGOUV and make close to 42%, diminishing wages and profits "dealers" and possibly the Social Dividend, which would change obviously not possible to "accountants" to purchase the entire production, and the accounting balance between GDP and Value Added (or National Income)
course, these equalities accountants do not resolve the issue of "paragraphs by financing various production processes.
The first question in advance to be granted to 'producers' (or the corresponding companies), the timing of the advance, and the corresponding amount.
Specifically, does it fully fund the "production costs", or stop to finance capital expenditures (AMOR) intermediate consumption (MAT) of wages and net profits, financing and governance of REX is done directly in the end times, from having rights, which would raise the issue of funding for treatment officials (considered here to be equal to 500)
These are of course tracks funding that we are dealing with the needs of working capital "material" can be advanced by the banks under control of a Office National du Credit (or other governing body), funding for salaries and benefits that may be funded or not, differently, the NCB issuing currency directly intended to pay Rexi and other taxes, GOV.
Whatever the method or methods used, the model shows clearly that full funding of the production process can be operated entirely by money creation original, creative destruction resulting in the same end processes. The issue of investment (and thus savings) is a false problem, since the value-added another name of national income, is "accountable" equivalent to the GDP.
The last question - but it is great of course - is the necessary synchronization and consistency between purchasing opportunities (demand 'solvent') and offers (the 'production'). We need that money be available at the right times, and used by the right people, assuming they are good products that are made for the right needs.
What State Id Does Not Have Holograms
An example of "solidarity tax" from a model trisectoral "
In models bi and tri-sectoral precedents (which represent simplification of national accounts tables, with notations personal AMOR depreciation of physical capital, MAT for intermediate consumption, SAL for wage income and profits for PROF) it is easy - and important - to note that the sum of CA sectors of production is obviously much higher than the GDP (due to the various exchanges between sectors during the process).
may also be noted that this evidence had almost certainly led the Major Douglas (father of the Social Credit), before the invention of Input-Output Tables of National Accounts, to suggest the use of discount generalized to fund the difference between CA and value added.
The question of the Social Dividend, or Minimum Income Dignity.
That being noted, or recalled, we can now ask what is the best way to "distribute" means to purchase those not involved (such as employees or shareholders) in the production process.
Several methods can be , a levy on prices (that is to say about CA), a tax on capital employed, a levy on the value added, or a levy on profits only. Let our model
"improved" from the model
"AMOR PROF SAL" became:
"AMOR MAT PROF SAL, which can be written: AMOR
PROD = ADP + + + PROFi SALI, for i varying from 1 3 or with arbitrary data:
PROD1 = 2100 = 700 + 400 + 750 + 250 (Area "capital goods")
prod2 = 1500 = 250 + 450 + 600 + 200 (Area "consumer goods")
PROD3 = 1400 = 800 + 450 + 100 + 50 ( This "Sector 3" Virtual is the production of intermediate goods, the only constraint on the MAT, or intermediate consumption, CI, at least if one starts with a stock3 zero initially, is that PROD3> = MAT1 & 2 & 3 )
It would AMOR1 & 2 & 3 = 1750, MAT1 & 2 & 3 = 1300 which STOCK3 = 100 (which remains "too many" of these materials "consumables" are not used in the process) and SAL1 & 2 & 3 + PROF1 & 2 & 3 = 1950 (another way of defining value added, or GDP)
production "net" amount after what has been "consumed" in the various production processes, is therefore less PROD1 AMOR1 & 2 & 3 more STOCK3 (= PROD3 - MAT1 & 2 & 3) more prod2, that is to say least 1750 over 2100 over 1500 = 100 1950
In this first context, no REX, or RMD, or Social Dividend is available .
So how do intervene?
We will discuss here what is the simplest conceivable, if not put into practice, ie the equivalent of a CSG or VAT solidarity, which will therefore look like a Value Added Tax , that is to say, the wages paid and expected profits. In
more tickets allocated in recent years Minimum Income Dignity (MSY), I suggested that MSY could be 25% of value added, other proponents of the REX (Basic Income ) suggest that 15% would be "the" right number, but no matter here.
Without changing the current level "accounting" of the production sector, we're going to cut wages and profits of a certain amount, which will "finance" REX, or RMD, or Social Dividend as follows:
Using previous data, we will have:
PROD1 = 2100 = 700 + 400 + (750 + 250) * (1-tauxRMD) + (750 + 250) * tauxRMD
PROD1 = 2100 = 250 + 450 + (600 + 200) * (1-tauxRMD) + ( 600 + 200) * tauxRMD
PROD1 = 2100 = 800 + 450 + (100 + 50) * (1-tauxRMD) + (100 + 50) * tauxRMD
The RMD will be distributed or REX therefore equal to:
( SAL1 & 2 & 3 + PROF1 & 2 & 3) * tauxRMD or, if we are here to simplify the calculations, a tauxRMD 20%, to 1950 times 20%, or 390, salaries and profits have been reduced by the same amount.
value added has obviously not been modified, it remains equal to 1950 (one can imagine that these are the 1950 billion euros of French GDP), but the fifth of this value added, or GDP, is now attributed to persons "inactive" or at least not employed in the various production processes.
Looking back on the money question raised by the supporters of Social Credit, the finance workflow simply become (with tauxRMD = 20%):
PROD1 = 2100 = 700 + 400 + (600 + 200) + (150 + 50) (where RMD1 = 200)
PROD1 = 2100 = 250 + 450 + (480 + 160) + (120 + 40) (where RMD2 = 160)
PROD1 = 2100 = 800 + 450 + (80 + 40) + (20 + 10) (where RMD3 = 30)
other words GDP is still equal to 1950, with (SAL + PROF) 1 & 2 & 3 = 1560 and:
DividendeSocial or REX 1 & 2 & 3 or RMD 1 & 2 & 3 = 360 = GDP * tauxRMD. The Social Dividend
can be "financed" a priori, or, which is probably better at the end of the production process, when the "means to purchase" must meet the supply of goods (and services ).
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Makeup Good For Bruises
A small model in the form of additional comments and question the prospective reader
Suppose a two sectors, sector 1, capital goods, a sector 2 of consumer goods, and a sector breakdown of the "costs" in three parts "amortization (depreciation equipment), "wages" and "profits", ie:
AMOR2 + SAL2 + PROF2 = prod2
level accountant, was obviously PRODtotale = AMOR1 & 2 + SAL1 & 2 + PROF1 & 2
The net investment potential, still in the accounts, is equal to INV_N = PROD1 - AMOR1 & 2
final consumption in the accounts, is equal to CONSO_F PROD1 = & 2 - INV_N
Question: How does one apply the principles of Social Credit in this situation?
Get rid of the difficult question concerning the duration of the different production processes, sector 1 are more 'long' as Sector 2.
We will work on the shortest time possible between the two processes (this is just for the sake of argument, I do not think it changes much).
That said, how to 'pay' for each process (in sector 1 as sector 2), knowing that the accounting, there is obviously no difficulty in balancing it all.
difficult question is that some funds should be disbursed at the beginning of the process - whatever its length - and that others are only available at the time of completion of the sale.
in my interpretation of Social Credit (so I can be wrong), I start from the standpoint of the producer, so I will examine the "production credit" or better " advance to the production .
Producteur1 needs AMOR1 finance, SAL1 and PROF1 (I could assume that PROF1 is funded after the sale, but it would raise the problem of effective demand, missing PROF1 and PROF2 to buy Production).
It also assumes that there is no residual stock of money: no money available anywhere (not essential, I think, but it simplifies)
ONC (Office National de Credit ) will then advance to Producteur1 the amount needed to buy more AMOR1 SAL1 more PROF1 (Producteur1 it is supposed to determine all these amounts that can be called PrixDeProduction1 , if desired)
same thing vis-à-vis Producteur2.
In fact, money required during the "production cycle" is considered equal to the total turnover (and not only to GDP), this may be what was told that Major Douglas it is still a lack of "means to purchase" the sum of wages are always lower (even with profits) for production. This is, of course, not to confuse Value Added (our GDP "from our production cycle", with our conventions current) and total turnover.
The question that remains, I submit, very tentatively, to the sagacity of the reader, is how the National Credit will recover its advance ( in principle, in case of no growth, we may result in INV_N = 0 - the National Credit must recover all the money issued, but is this the only case? )
Note: involving the public service would not add much to the demonstration, not a third sector (intermediate), but there can be harnessed later in another post.
Let us go then
Producteur1 distributes AMOR1 producer of AMOR1 (we'll assume it himself, so he will be able to immediately repay this sum to the ONC) and SAL1 - PROF1 and its employees - to its shareholders.
Producteur2 distributes AMOR2 producer of AMOR2 (assuming it's the producteur1) and SAL2 and PROF2.
SAL1 More SAL2 more PROF1 more PROF2 will be able to buy prod2 plus the difference between PROD1 and AMOR1 & 2 (what we defined as net investment potential, INV_N)
Consider numerical values to illustrate all this:
PROD1 = 2100 = 1100 + 750 + 250
prod2 = 1500 = 700 + 600 + 200 = 300
INV_N = 2100 - 1100-700
Money advanced social production by the NCB will Producteur1 2100, and 1500 to Producteur2
Producteur1 will immediately 1100 (the equivalent of AMOR1) to the CNO, will provide 750 to its employees, and maintain for the time 250 (in store profits)
Producteur2 Producteur1 700 to give (for AMOR2), 600 to give employees, and retain for the time 200 (in store profits)
Turning to consumer demand, that is to say the acquisition of prod2 (In prices of production, 1500 to be purchased)
Effective demand is composed of: 1350 (SAL1 & 2) plus 450 (PROF1 & 2), that is to say 1800. We find that, for accounting purposes, 1800 is sufficient to buy 1500, the remainder (= 300) to purchase INV_N
The only "small" problem is so far ahead in production in early each cycle, this advance being "destroyed", that is to say refunded upon the completion of the sale (assuming of course that the production is in line with the needs - which is another matter , more "marketing" than "financial" or "money")
subsidiary questions relating to the Social Credit:
1) how to bring up the Social Dividend, or REX, or MSY?: easy, simply integrate prices of production a certain amount (which will diminish the profits and / or wages)
2) Do we need to show a compensated discount, or bonus, to get the prices right? I leave the answer - very tentatively-that question the traditional wisdom of the reader, if he wants a break.
On the "fair price" and offset the discount.
In fact, another way to run the funding model AMOR PROF SAL precedent is not to fund a priori AMOR1 & Part 2, but to finance a posteriori, at least that's how I understand the mechanism invoked by Major Douglas , father of Social Credit.
In the example above, the fair price would not PROD1 2100, and the right price would not prod2 1500. What would they be then?
In fact, we must first evaluate the "means of purchase (valued at producer prices, namely SAL1 & 2 more PROF1 & 2, so 1800).
prices of total production (PROD1 & 2) is equal to 3000 (the total turnover), to get the right price, it will take the ratio between "SAL1 & 2 more PROF1 & 2" and "PROD1 & 2," which given by 60% (the discount is therefore 40%).
The fair price will be PROD1 PROD1 * 60% and the right price will prod2 prod2 * 60% (note that the discount factor should be calculated on an aggregate, not by sector, though then it must be applied by sector).
It would thus, with our data, 1260 (= 0.6 times 2100) for JustePrix1, and 900 (= 0.6 times 1500) for JustePrix2. The National Credit Producteur1 have advanced to the sum of 1000 (for more SAL1 PROF1), and have advanced to the Producteur2 $ 800. Buyers of various sectors would have paid the equivalent of SAL1 & 2 more PROF1 & 2, namely 1800 (money that has passed first CNO to producers Producteur1 and Producteur2), and each producer would then "reimbursed" the discount allowed, ie a total of 1200 (= 3000-1800).
Compared to the solution proposed earlier (finance AMOR1 AMOR2 and the beginning of the period), this solution discount offset seems unnecessarily complicated and, moreover, seems to reward the producer with the "organic composition" of the process of production is lower, it ie the producer whose capital is relatively high compared with the least value added. After all, why not.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Gay Gyms In Raleigh Nc
yesterday evening to mark the victory of the football team of France on that of England, Adidas outfitted for the last time the Blues, giving way to the historic Nike competitor. To mark the occasion on the 40-year collaboration, the brand with three stripes jersey has designed a "collector" on which is inscribed in golden thread "1984, 1998, 2000. 40 years of partnership "just below the Adidas logo and will be sold to the public in limited edition.

But this shirt is not the only medium used by the German mark to communicate about this collaboration. Indeed, last Sunday, was broadcast on Canal + a one-hour documentary recounting the France team during the past 40 years. This documentary did not refer directly to the brand, we remembered the great moments of the team, both good and less good, with all the emotions they could generate, through pictures and testimonials from players (Zidane, Dugarry, ...) of trainers (Jacquet, White, ...) but also other sports (Karabatic Riner, Tsonga, ...) and more amazing artists that many singers hip hop (Akhenaton, Soprano, Fefe, Kool Shen, ...). I wondered what was their legitimacy to testify in this documentary. So I noticed that the vast majority of participants (athletes and nonathletes) are under contract with the brand and are therefore obviously most clothing Adidas in this documentary.
Through this initiative, Adidas has obviously wanted to join the values associated with the France team, his victories, rallying his side, but also wanted to connect implicitly on its partnership with the community of French hip hop giving voice to its representatives, dressed by the brand. Adidas communicate a lot through sport but more and more involved in music by signing contracts with singers in France as elsewhere including Snoop Dogg, Chad Hugo and Missy Elliot.
The form of this promotion tool is rather ambiguous puisqu'Adidas is not mentioned as an initiator. The end credits thank Documentary Adidas for its participation, but that's all. I have nothing personally against the mark, but as I was reproached with another example in a previous post the contents of marks must be explicitly labeled as such, in order not to fool viewers. Note that Adidas has bought advertising space following the documentary, as a kind of reminder.
Moreover, on the Facebook page Adidas Football , a tab is dedicated to the documentary, in which the bonus videos are available once you have either subscribed to the page. This illustrates well the promotional nature of the documentary.
For those interested, the documentary "Blue" will be rebroadcast on Saturday at 18h05 on Canal +.
What Does Ff Mean On Electric
There are three basic principles in the Social Credit: 1.
money without debt issued by the government, representative of the company, according
production, and withdrawn from circulation by the consumer 2. the social dividend assigned to each citizen, 3. offset the discount.
The three principles are required, the first being a simple explanation of the ideas set in 1930 Douglas in "The Monopoly of Credit", and regards the adjustment between production, purchasing power and price "The means of purchase (cash credits) in the hands of the population of a country must at all times, be collectively equal the price to pay collective (collective cash prices) for consumable goods sold in this country, and these means of purchase (cash credits) must be canceled when purchasing consumer goods .
us clarify these three principles, the first principle, already outlined, is also called the principle of fair currency or currency only adequate.
1) money (or currency) will be issued by the public, the amount issued to match the estimated production " at the right price," this money disappeared at the time of consumption.
To explain this concept of jute prices and just money, take the example from the site "to tomorrow" to explain this principle (we considered here only two major sectors - as in Book II, posthumous, of Capital, but also as many macro-economists, following more recent Keynes himself later wrote to Major Douglas, "father" of Social Credit).
Suppose that records a year for the countries studied provide:
Production of capital goods .............. 3 000 million
Production of consumer goods ..... 7 000 million
Imports .................... ........ 2 000 million
Hence, assets, an amount of total purchases of ..... 12 000 000 000
other hand, for the decrease:
Impairment capital goods ........... 1 800 million
consumption .. ... ........................... .5 200 000 000 Exports
......... ... ..................... 2 000 million
This implies that the passive a decrease Total ..... 9 000 million
Thus, while the country is enriched by 12 000 million, he would use or consume, or should yield 9,000 million.
The actual cost of production overall richness of 12 000 million, or 9 000 million (9 billion). If it really cost the country $ 9 billion for producing 12 billion, the country must be able to enjoy its 12 billion, while spending only that 9 billion.
course, when one speaks of "balance" as it is for a country, region, or a simple business, talk, talk, or should, accounting. How, then "reconcile" the assets and liabilities of a balance sheet, which, by construction, must be balanced?
other words, how to match the money needed to produce the money needed for consumption facing a "gap" Apparent 3 billion.
Louis Even wrote elsewhere on this improper accounting " accountants are neither producers nor governments. The numbers start at banks, and these figures are not related to production that is offered, but in connection with what the bank expects to make a profit on the trade of these figures.
Instead of being merely a bookkeeping service, the money system was flawed. His control was monopolized and became an object of traffic, domination, tyranny, dictatorship on our daily lives. "
How then exit the system" flawed "?
solution "classic", and currently used, is known although it is rarely explained so clearly: it is a 'mix' of debt (that we can never fully repay), blight, devaluation of stocks and destruction of goods already produced that attempt to compensate for this difference 3 billion. Where debts, public or private, exponentially increasing, thousands of tons of food thrown away or burned, sometimes adjacent to growing poverty is an abundance of riches spread shameless unscrupulous.
The solution of the Social Credit has two components, corresponding to principles 2 and 3, Principle 1 is to assess the "fair price" the production of a country for a period (this may be the month, quarter or year) and ensure that money - issued by the public - used to finance the production disappear at the time of consumption (as defined above, capital depreciation, consumption of consumer goods, and exports). In the example above, the fair price for a production of 12 was 9 , or 25% lower.
2) The Social Dividend (or minimum income, Dignity or Existence
In modern societies, the percentage of workforce, or activated, tends to decrease, due to two main causes: a) technological advances making it less necessary for some work - particularly those based on the strength, skill or ability of organization and classification of the human species b) increasing human longevity - the latter has risen by almost 20 years in the last century.
This observation is trivial because the question of the distribution of purchasing power arises only if the employees, artisans, merchants, and 'capitalists' have' right "to income, that happens to all those who do" not work "?
Social Credit proposes to distribute to each individual country concerned a dividend, income, independent of its contribution to production (as a percentage to be studied, it can be a fixed percentage of national income, offset a equalization taking into account the age of the individual concerned). The issuance of this dividend will be made by regulators monetary
3) The compensated discount or bonus to purchase corresponds the third principle.
We present here the form of "bonus" of this third principle, the idea, very simple, as follows: the purchasing power of "distributed" is 9, for a price "posted" 12, each purchase, paid 12 to the seller, will result in a refund of the monetary regulator 3. The 'gap' book mentioned above will be filled by the direct issue of currency, and distributed directly, without debts, without compensation other than proof of purchase of a product sold 12, who really "cost" 12 during the production , but can not be purchased as "9" due to insufficient purchasing power distributed during the same production. The total gap thus correspond to an overall bonus of $ 3 billion, with data from the example above?
Principles 2 and 3 have a common goal to avoid any crisis of over-production ", or rather of insufficient effective demand , where a purely" economic ". Principle 2 has an additional objective of solidarity and social justice: to allow those who have no business "market" to live in dignity.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Women Feet In Nylon Drive
Being a supporter of the Atlantic Rochelais Stadium (Rugby Club of La Rochelle is currently in the Top 14), I welcome the arrival of a new major sponsor, especially when the partnership involves operation rather original.
Indeed, the automaker Kia has launched three versions of its model in the colors of Soul rugby club La Rochelle. This customization for bodywork and the upholstery with aesthetics and discretion that we rarely found in custom cars in the colors of a sports club (I think for example of cars that can be crossed by Bollaert stadium in Lens). Thus, the colors of the club La Rochelle, yellow and black are largely responsible for this aesthetic success.

But the partnership does not stop there, because the originality of the operation lies in the delivery of cars. The cars will be in effect for home delivery by a player ... Rochelais Stadium in person. Advice is even given by website to accommodate the operation players. The idea is rather original but not so outrageous when you know the generosity and simplicity of rugby, particularly manifested in their participation in the communication campaign of another sponsor for which the players participated in the filming of videos ( see here).
The operation was launched last Thursday before the match of the 12th day of the Top 14 opponent Stade de France champion at La Rochelle, ASM Clermont Auvergne. The cars were present around the stadium but they were overshadowed by the performance of players on the field, victorious Champions of France by a score of 22 to 14.
This will not make me buy a Kia Soul, but it pleases me and I wanted to share it since it has little or no media coverage outside the city.
Website of the operation:
My Blog Rugby:
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Play Funbrain Playground
The weekend was started the 16th edition of the European Cup Rugby. This competition brings together the best clubs of the 6 major countries of the European rugby is better known as the Heineken Cup or Heineken Cup because of partnership between the competition with the Dutch brewer. In France, the Loi Evin, a brand of liquor can not advertise where probably the fact that the name "Heineken Cup" there is much more common.

I'll leave aside the debate "and alcohol sponsorship" to get interested in "naming" this practice increasingly common where the sponsor's name occurs in that of a competition or sports club.
Sponsors are increasingly ubiquitous in clubs and sports in general, but they are no longer confined to bound athletes, whether the signs on the edges of fields or field interviews. Now, stadiums bear their name, especially in Germany (the MMArena at Le Mans is the only example in France for now), they associate the same name clubs such as the CA Brumbies (Computer Associates) Australian rugby club and especially Red Bull 4 clubs including football teams and several of motorsport.
The case of Red Bull is very interesting because in addition to associate its name with sports teams, the Austrian brand associates also in competitive sports often created by itself. These competitions extreme are the image of the brand such as the Red Bull Air Race or Red Bull Cliff Diving ( my photos of step Rochelle ).
Thus, the naming is the final stage of intrusion of a mark in sports sponsorship. This practice is of course debatable. Indeed, the influx of money in sport increases performance and spectacle, but the distorted, especially if the marks overlap in the appointment of clubs, stadiums and competitions. However, the naming is more accepted when the sponsor is at the origin or team sports (including cycling and motorsport), stage (the new stadiums built for the World Cup football in Germany were partly funded by sponsors), or competition (especially if they are original and entertaining, as competition created by Red Bull, for example).
But the Heineken Cup is a tournament very formal, serious and has changed its name in the course of its existence. But this example of naming seems to be very well accepted because firstly the "H" Heineken recalls the form of poles of a rugby field therefore fits very well with the logo the competition but mostly because the beer is part of rugby folklore. Thus, Heineken is not the only brand to benefit as the English league and Celtic are named Guinness Premiership (until last season) and Magners League . Similarly, the Belgian league football is also called Jupiler Pro League , not to mention the rugby clubs (or even national teams) and especially football, especially the British who wear the brand name of alcohol on their jersey.

Finally, to accept the naming sports fans, it has to respect competition, club or stadium new, young, does not belong in the sports heritage and, above all, the sponsor and its values must be consistent with competition, club or stage targeted. That is why, for me, although I'm not really in favor of naming in general, if the Heineken Cup does not bother me.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
What Happened To Annabelle Chong

few days ago, 3 rugby players of New Zealand are shown in a video where you could realize their skills with the oval ball as well in the hand than foot. This video buzz that had obviously promotional purposes (For television) was performed according to the principle of "fake or not fake." This practice is very (too) often used to arouse curiosity, interest and making the buzz around a brand or product.
There are other examples of similar videos featuring athletes performing performance prompting doubts such as Roger Federer Gillette and Ronaldinho for Nike . But unlike Federer, Ronaldinho, whose performance is not at all credible (Federer can not afford the risk of hurting her partner), there is doubt as to which of New Zealand rugby as the All Blacks are the All Blacks.
All these videos are effective and buzz, but they are starting to annoy me personally because of their wealth becomes even cons-productive because these films have become too predictable.
So, I really like the initiative of the Australian rugby Brumbies (Canberra) and most of their sponsor Computer Associates, which reproduced the video néozélandaise with more realism and humor. We know the rivalry between these two major rugby nations and Australian response would be predictable.
Parody is an advertising technique interesting because it allows even sometimes make as much noise even more than the original version. For example, the English optician Specsavers had made about him on the net with his commercials parodying commercials Barclays and Axis ( to see here) or the many brands parodying the Old Spice commercials.