Thursday, November 18, 2010

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Advertainment: Adidas and the documentary "Blue" on Canal +

yesterday evening to mark the victory of the football team of France on that of England, Adidas outfitted for the last time the Blues, giving way to the historic Nike competitor. To mark the occasion on the 40-year collaboration, the brand with three stripes jersey has designed a "collector" on which is inscribed in golden thread "1984, 1998, 2000. 40 years of partnership "just below the Adidas logo and will be sold to the public in limited edition.

But this shirt is not the only medium used by the German mark to communicate about this collaboration. Indeed, last Sunday, was broadcast on Canal + a one-hour documentary recounting the France team during the past 40 years. This documentary did not refer directly to the brand, we remembered the great moments of the team, both good and less good, with all the emotions they could generate, through pictures and testimonials from players (Zidane, Dugarry, ...) of trainers (Jacquet, White, ...) but also other sports (Karabatic Riner, Tsonga, ...) and more amazing artists that many singers hip hop (Akhenaton, Soprano, Fefe, Kool Shen, ...). I wondered what was their legitimacy to testify in this documentary. So I noticed that the vast majority of participants (athletes and nonathletes) are under contract with the brand and are therefore obviously most clothing Adidas in this documentary.

Through this initiative, Adidas has obviously wanted to join the values associated with the France team, his victories, rallying his side, but also wanted to connect implicitly on its partnership with the community of French hip hop giving voice to its representatives, dressed by the brand. Adidas communicate a lot through sport but more and more involved in music by signing contracts with singers in France as elsewhere including Snoop Dogg, Chad Hugo and Missy Elliot.

The form of this promotion tool is rather ambiguous puisqu'Adidas is not mentioned as an initiator. The end credits thank Documentary Adidas for its participation, but that's all. I have nothing personally against the mark, but as I was reproached with another example in a previous post the contents of marks must be explicitly labeled as such, in order not to fool viewers. Note that Adidas has bought advertising space following the documentary, as a kind of reminder.

Moreover, on the Facebook page Adidas Football , a tab is dedicated to the documentary, in which the bonus videos are available once you have either subscribed to the page. This illustrates well the promotional nature of the documentary.

For those interested, the documentary "Blue" will be rebroadcast on Saturday at 18h05 on Canal +.


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