Wednesday, December 15, 2010

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The oldest couple in Europe

A very nice little article on page 11 of the newspaper "La Croix" today, written by Nicolas Caesar. I am sharing:

Husband and wife since 28 November 1929, the Minato "have vowed that nothing would break their history" .

Children, Angelo Amabile and lived opposite one another in their hometown, Roncade in the Treviso area, not far from Venice. Moreover, these fervent Catholics believe that "was a sign from God" . So on the porch of the church, just 10 years, Angelo him declare his love: "You'll be my wife." since they are inseparable, despite the war and fascism that led into exile in France. Angelo arrived first in 1925 and joined the Amabile in 1926. Children of farmers, they chose Mézin (Lot-et-Garonne), to build their "nest." Here, Angelo was able to realize his dream and move the ring finger of his bride 28 November 1929, the day of the 20 years of it.

"It brought a love unfailing by a strong belief in God. They have always prayed together every morning and evening " said, admiringly, Jeanine, 74, their daughter, who supports his home ten years. For it is here that we must seek the explanation of the longevity of their relationship. "They took an oath before God that nothing would break their history." On land, too, their union is under guard. "We spoil the lot. Every Sunday, children gather around their table " says Sylvie, one of their granddaughters. Today is a great family that surrounds them: four children, seven grandchildren, twelve great-grandchildren arrièrearrière-and grand-son.

For Jeanine, is a just reward. "They have been very privileged and have been attentive to others. (...) When my cousins, aunts or co-workers had nothing to eat, they always gave something, even if it was just soup ", she says. Because their life was tough: 'They worked hard, cold, factories cork Mézin ", says she. Of wholeness, even authoritative for Amabile, these two lovers have managed to get their act together and send their offspring to their highest values dear: faith, family spirit and work.

They still command the admiration of their children and grandchildren. Amabile if no longer mentally capable, Angelo watches over her like a treasure, "his" treasure, with a love more demonstrative. "I never saw my grandfather kiss my grandmother. Today, he externalizes his feelings and he made lots of hugs " says Sylvie, deeply moved.


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