Flogos, a new advertising concept
From time immemorial, man is in perpetual search of new advertising media undeveloped. The man himself has become an advertising medium, be it unconsciously by the visible signs of our clothes but also by advertising tattoos Some dare to wear, as well as temporary permanent.
And recently I discovered a new concept namely " Flogos " to "flying logos". So these are composed of foam flying logos and helium, allowing them to fly away and be visible in the sky. The sky becomes an ad. Okay there are already planes on the beaches in summer, towing advertising banners, but here the potential for generalization is more important. That's what scares me. The Flogos are intended by their ecological composition, but what does it visual pollution? Do we want a sky invades advertisements?
I think we will meet such logos in special events, cultural or festive, but I do not believe and do not expect a generalization for advertising done by brands cause of visual impairment caused in any case once the effect of the concept buzz has subsided.
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