Right now (or very recently) spend on our screens 2 series of TV commercials for products Brand Locator Leclerc and the Renault Megane. Their common point is their ambition to make fun of stereotypical advertising that is often encountered to our small screen. This is an interesting practice to stand out from the competition but also very dangerous because these marks must be exemplary in terms of advertising, but Leclerc and Renault have not really used (unless I am mistaken) do in advertising cliché. On
Leclerc, they used to do commercials and here they are slightly offset no exception to the rule by criticizing the advertising practices of competing brands.
As for Renault, after successful commercials for the new Twingo, the brand continues to use humor in diverting the "classic" TV advertising, demonstration of sanitary napkin, the efficiency of household products or the glamorous advertisements for perfume.
Then I discovered this pub foreign to an American brand of tampons, which denigrates the spots of the competitors and their photos, at least I do not know s it is real extracts because I am not Specialist U.S. stamps. On the mark, U By Kotex, she also used to do commercials rather original, including some with a beaver .
Another example is finally one of the UK optician Specsavers, who recently parodied an advertisement for the deodorant Axe and previously parodied an advertisement for Barclays Bank . But in these two examples, the parody is more a nod to the spots that marked the spirits rather that criticism, in order to generate buzz.
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