The game's logo and trademarks, the advergame Society French consumption
a month ago for Christmas, my cousin received under the tree board game "the game's logo and trademarks." I discovered this game on the Internet thanks to the countless press releases on blogs and other sites "serious" and apparently this game is a success I was surprised and interested that my cousin was 11.
Specifically, the game revolves around the universe of brands and consumer products and so players must acknowledge their trademark logo and answer questions about their history, products and advertising campaigns. Yes, brands are becoming the subject of a board game and on reflection I do not think it's less legitimate than answer questions from Trivial Pursuit, as brands have become our daily lives. We buy them or not one likes them or not, we live with them. And you can
consider this Game as an advergame in the sense that it promotes these brands (some brands have apparently refused to be included) to the players by familiarizing them with the history of these brands. However, it differs from conventional advergames for brands are not on the initiative and what it pays is not common (eg games LEGO ). Similarly, it involves a large number of brands and so it can be considered an advergame for the entire French consumer society, just like the game show The Just Price. For these two games, participants play with the brands, their products and are rewarded by their knowledge of the consumer society, explains Barney Stinson in the series How I Met Your Mother (episode 20 of season 2) about the Fair Price (The Price is Right): "ICTR is Not just an entertaining hour of television Indescribably. It's a microcosm of Our Entire Economic System, a capitalist utopia, where, Consumers are Awarded for Their persistence, market acumen and intrepid spirit. "
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