Friday, January 28, 2011

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"The humble before God", a text of Brother Roger

A text of Brother Roger, alleging the book "Love all love" : You

which, without looking back, would follow Christ, you still dare again to trust the Gospel?

resume you momentum, led by the One who never win quietly with you? He, the Risen One is in you and in front of you on the road. The

you let drop in the pit of your own the freshness of a source? Or are you ashamed of confusion as to say: I am not worthy to be loved by him?

What fascinates in God is his humble presence. He never punishes, or injure human dignity. He does not pull on the rope to be obeyed. Authoritarian gesture disfigure his face. The impression that God is punishing is one of the biggest obstacles to faith.

Christ, "poor and humble of heart", do not force anyone's hand.

If needed, who would invite you to follow?

In the silence of your heart murmurs: "Do not worry, I'm here. "

Known or not, Christ, the Risen, remains almost everyone, even unconsciously, as an illegal immigrant.

blight in the heart of man, light in darkness, as he loves her only for you He gave his life, there is her secret.

Jesus Christ, Inner Light, give me to welcome your presence, I know the joy.
I love you, maybe not the way I want, but I love you ...
love of all love, you know, I give up my life for you and your Gospel.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Repulsion Power Bond Energy

The game's logo and trademarks, the advergame Society French consumption

a month ago for Christmas, my cousin received under the tree board game "the game's logo and trademarks." I discovered this game on the Internet thanks to the countless press releases on blogs and other sites "serious" and apparently this game is a success I was surprised and interested that my cousin was 11.

Specifically, the game revolves around the universe of brands and consumer products and so players must acknowledge their trademark logo and answer questions about their history, products and advertising campaigns. Yes, brands are becoming the subject of a board game and on reflection I do not think it's less legitimate than answer questions from Trivial Pursuit, as brands have become our daily lives. We buy them or not one likes them or not, we live with them. And you can

consider this Game as an advergame in the sense that it promotes these brands (some brands have apparently refused to be included) to the players by familiarizing them with the history of these brands. However, it differs from conventional advergames for brands are not on the initiative and what it pays is not common (eg games LEGO ). Similarly, it involves a large number of brands and so it can be considered an advergame for the entire French consumer society, just like the game show The Just Price. For these two games, participants play with the brands, their products and are rewarded by their knowledge of the consumer society, explains Barney Stinson in the series How I Met Your Mother (episode 20 of season 2) about the Fair Price (The Price is Right): "ICTR is Not just an entertaining hour of television Indescribably. It's a microcosm of Our Entire Economic System, a capitalist utopia, where, Consumers are Awarded for Their persistence, market acumen and intrepid spirit. "

Saturday, January 22, 2011

User Manual Reebok Rbk Heart Rate Monitor

January 22: Blessed Memory of John Turpin du Cormier, priest and companions, martyrs

On 22 January, in the Diocese of Laval, we are commemorating the Blessed John Turpin du Cormier, pastor of the Trinity in Laval, and his companions, martyrs.
is what we learn in the booklet of "Own the Diocese of Laval "

year 1794, year of the Terror, see the martyrdom of many witnesses of the faith. On January 21, 1794 in Laval, the square of the Trémoille 14 priests died on the scaffold. They were John Turpin du Cormier, parish priest of the Trinity in Laval, Jean Triquerie monk Cordeliers, and twelve secular priests: Jean-Marie Gallot, Joseph Pele, Rene Ambrose, priests Trinidad, Julie Morin, a priest at St. Vénérand François Duchêne, chaplain of Chapter Saint Michel, André Jacques, pastor of Rouessé-Vasse, Andre Duliou, pastor of Fort St. Louis Gastineau, chaplain of Port-Brillet, Migoret Francis, vicar of Rennes-en-Frogs, Julien Molded, pastor of Saulges, Phelipot Augustine, pastor of Bazouge des freeholds, Pierre Thomas, chaplain of the hospital in Chateau-Gontier.

February 5, 1794, Francoise Mezieres was guillotined in Laval.

On March 13, 1794, Sister Françoise Tréhet is guillotined in Ernee and sister Jeanne Veron, March 20.

June 25, 1794, Monique Lhuillier sister dies guillotined Laval.

October 17, 1794, Burin Jacques, pastor of St. Martin de Connée, died under the bullets CHAMPGENETEUX.

These martyrs are inscribed in the martyrology of our Church by Pope Pius XII, June 19, 1955.

Relationship trial Martyrs of Laval:
Fourteen priests were brought to the office of the Revolutionary Court Laval January 21, 1794. When came the turn of Father Jean-Baptiste Triquerie, President Clement asked him
- Have you taken the oath of 1791?
- No.
- The Oath of Freedom, Equality?
- No, citizen. I was on my bed, sick, when asked the oath.
- This is not an exemption, remarked with bitterness the Accuser Volcler public.
I was sick, I did make the registry on my bed and I signed the oath.
- Citizen, said the father Triquerie, son of Francis I, for my state, I must be dead to the world and did not know the laws. My sole occupation was to pray for my country, I have never failed to do.
- Do not come here to preach. And since you're more of the Franciscan chaplain, who gave you the means existence, since you have no money?
- Citizen, charity of the faithful.
Father Triquerie then asked the meaning of the oath required of him that we wanted.
- The oath that we demand of you, "explained the President Clement is to be faithful to the Republic, not to profess any religion or the Catholic who is probably yours ...
- Ah! really not a citizen, "said Father, I will be faithful to Jesus Christ until my last breath!
"Never shall I forget that response," added Mr Lee. This beautiful confession of faith touched me to my heart and I thought I heard the martyrs of the first centuries. "
At the end of his interrogation, Father Triquerie experienced syncope. One of his relatives, the wife of his cousin Ducret, brought him a bottle of wine and a glass she was passed from hand to hand.
Furious, Guilbert stopped the generous Christian who, for his act of charity, stayed three days in jail. The fourteen
confessors of the faith, death row, were led into the square where the guillotine stood. One of them told the crowd: "We've learned to live, teach us to die now."
(Illustration: Bas-relief of the Martyrs of Laval, Trinity Cathedral, Laval )

Friday, January 21, 2011

What Are The Differences In Breast Tenderness

Homily of January 16 - 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time At European Meeting

Church St Simeon - The door frame - 15/01/11 - 18:30
Church Holy Trinity - Nuillé - 16/01/11 - 10:30
2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time A

(Texts: Is 49,3.5-6 - Ps 39 - 1 Co 1.1-3 - Jn 1:29-34)

Welcoming remarks:
[Saturday evening ]
Brothers and sisters,
Tonight at The Huisserie we welcome the first group of engaged couples preparing for marriage. They will marry our parish, or elsewhere in the course of this year 2011. This is an opportunity for us to pray with them and pray for them, for the love of God flooded the building and they know their marriage on solid foundations.

[Sunday morning]
Brothers and sisters,
This second Sunday in Ordinary Time somehow makes the transition between Christmas time and ordinary time, coming back to the founding event that is the baptism of Jesus .

"Yes, I saw and I give this testimony is he is the Son of God. " This is the testimony of John the Baptist. He who, impelled by God, baptized crowds to prepare for the coming of the Messiah, that he is given to clearly identify Jesus as the Messiah expected by Israel. His true identity is revealed to him. The one that so far as he knew the son of Mary, the cousin of his mother Elizabeth, God the Father tells him he is more than that: it is His Son, the Son of God which the Spirit descends and remains.

can say this is the second time that John the Baptist announces that, since from the bosom of his mother, he had rejoiced at the meeting between Mary and Elizabeth, Visitation. So in this passage is revealed to us something fundamental about who God is one God and God is Trinity. Jean-Baptiste hears the voice of the Father, and he contemplates the Spirit descending upon the Son. No doubt that at the time, he does not understand all that this implies, but it demonstrates what we saw.
When he talks about Jesus, the first term he uses has become familiar, but perhaps it should come back: "Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. " This sentence, we reiterate the heart of every Eucharist, before communion. The lamb is in the biblical world the symbol of purity and innocence. That is why during the festival of Passover, is sacrificed a lamb unblemished. It is the sign of the salvation brought by God to Israel at the same time as the sacrifice that sealed the covenant between God and his people.
Jesus comes to renew the alliance. After him, there will be more sacrifices, because once and for all, giving his life for love on the cross, it is definitively conquered sin. Through the gift of his life, his death and resurrection, Christ enables humanity to emerge victorious from his battle against death and sin.
That does not mean that there is no sin in the world ... If we look at our lives with a modicum of honesty, we realize that we sometimes sin "in thought, word, by action or omission. " If we live in Christ, then we can be with Him, conquered sin and death. By our baptism we are incorporated in the Body of Christ. So we can live this baptism, live from the love of God, to most fall into the hands of the divider, the one who inspires us in our hearts away from God.
One of the great sins that wounded the Body of Christ is the division that exists between its members. Did we realize that when we say evil of a brother or sister, as soon as we seek to impose "our" truth rather than seek together God's truth, we hurt the Body of Christ ? This is not to be silent when we feel we have reason or say yes to everything. But when we open mouth, when we make a decision when we act in the Church, it is always first for the sake of unity and communion. That's how we build the Church and that we will bear witness to the Gospel. "It's the love you have for each other that all recognize you as my disciples. "
In fact, perhaps what we lack most is caring: when someone does something that does not please me, I often suspect want to oppose me, to want harm, one way or another. And if we did the other the gift of our benevolence: I do not speak such and such an act, I do not understand what you mean or do, but I do not condemn you a priori. I offer you my good and we will talk together to understand what is happening.
Tuesday, January 18 will open worldwide week of prayer for Christian unity. Making a place in our prayer for this intention, because the divisions among Christians are a scandal which hinders the coming of the Kingdom of God. Working together in unity and pray that that visible unity among the churches to move forward and, even within our church, between groups of different persuasions.


David Journault †