Currency Complementary and Minimum Income Dignity
The principle of MSY.
Let us first recall the principle of minimum income of Dignity, or RMD
We proposed [see also] the establishment of a Revenue Minimum of Dignity - which could also be called income of community - which would give each adult in our national community the equivalent of ¼ of the national GDP, which is approximately 625 euros monthly, net of taxes or other deductions.
The objective of this allowance is double and universal means that any community is made up of individuals, men or women, talent and with different skills, but all share the same status, that of belonging to a community, what can be translated by the principle of non- exclusion.
Hence the first objective: to demonstrate explicitly that any member of this community must be recognized as such, and therefore have a 'right' to such recognition. This right, in a market economy is essentially in which the work is becoming more specialized and where individuals are increasingly interdependent, can not be achieved through income 'money'. We return to this point in connection with our proposal for a "currency RMD.
The second objective, relatively independent of the first, is to improve in this time of crisis, the purchasing power of all, and especially the weakest and poorest, trying, again, to direct this revival of consumption towards products 'ethical', 'bio' friendly environment, social conditions of production. This approach is thus more generally to the so-called 'sustainable development' and humanist.
It is here that the introduction of a currency ad hoc 'money MSY "is, itself, serve a dual purpose:
a) funding, partial or total, MSY,
b) and re-orientation of the appli 'solvent' , and thus the production of this economy to sustainable development.
How to finance the Minimum Income Dignity.
Without returning to the figures already mentioned, - see previous entries - remember that the additional net resources is around 15 billion euros monthly. This figure is obtained starting from 31 billion monthly gross, which was removed about 16 billion benefits would no longer pertinent, as explained elsewhere.
Considering that the recovery consumption can make us move from a forecast (OECD) to decrease by 3% to growth of 1% (a change in GDP of 72 billion to 6 billion monthly), we would be reduced to 9 billion monthly.
But more importantly - in addition to its need for support, certainly significant but not insurmountable (as of about 6 to 10% of GDP, as previously announced plan to Sarkozy, much more 'classic' - and who really does not address the underlying problem, see a previous post - raises the question of the method used to disseminate this RMD, and how to direct its use.
A complementary currency to finance the RMD . Pure
those who want to deepen the topic of complementary currencies, I can only advise the books of J. White and B. Lietaer on the subject, or a number of discussions held on the blog Paul Jorion.
I confine myself here to say that the money 'RMD' (you can give it any name, of course) will be a complementary currency to our European Euro. A Euro RMD 'will have the same value as a Euro' classic ', but will have two very specific properties.
First, the quantity emitted will be known in advance. If you finance all of the MSY (or n and gross) with that currency "Euro RMD", will be issued (the "It" being the State or local authorities, already responsible for RMI - is a point for discussion) 31 billion (or 15 billion) euros per month RMD. If we decide that it is more convenient to carry a fortnight, or week, we will adjust the quantities accordingly.
How to distribute this money RMD.
The simplest seems to be distributed to each adult card RMD (which may resemble a vital card, see a map be amended Vitale, opportunities techniques are many), RMD card that would be auctioned every month or every fortnight or every week - following the solution - the amount of 'currency RMD' expected.
For children, it is going through adult 'guardians' of these children, using a method similar: once again it is to be discussed.
What is the lifetime of this currency? Again, we can debate. We can not put any restriction on the lifespan of money distributed, or we may decide that this money has a limited lifespan, for example a few months. But this is not the most important.
From the ethical use and 'societal' currency 'RMD'.
In fact, the second property of this money is to be 'special' in the following sense.
The basic idea of a specific currency (otherwise we could have distributed a map 'RMD Vitale, denominated in euros directly' classics' - the frown of the ECB and Brussels almost) is to allow orienting expenditure towards what the community deems desirable.
Hence the following additional idea. Ask distributors, wholesalers, importers, producers, traders indicate in addition to conventional bar codes, the 'source' products (geographical origin or 'social' or 'ethical' or 'ecological' or ...) by a label 'RMD compatible' .
currency holders and MSY have a bonus - which can be very important - if not the only ones to be able to buy these products 'RMD'.
few examples to illustrate this point.
Suppose that any product, a toy example, comes from a country with social conditions deemed contrary to human dignity, but at a price advertised very low. This product obviously would not the label 'RMD'. A toy, utility comparable, but labeled LDR - and probably offered more money - can be purchased at the price m ^ me, or at a neighbor "currency RMD '. For other consumer goods, but imported, and therefore no local competition possible, such as coffee, can again lablliser 'RMD' products whose production conditions are deemed acceptable for human dignity.
Two other examples oriented investment 'or' durable '. To finance the purchase of an automobile 'ecological', there would be no premium for currency purchases normal (euro), but, for example, Save 30% if the vehicle was paid only "currency RMD. Same idea works for saving energy, instead of involving tax credits are always difficult to manage. (These are just examples, of course).
Money RMD is a real currency.
For those who think that money would not be an RMD real money, if it did not receive the endorsement of the ECB or'autres international authorities, recall the fundamental definition of any currency.
A currency is a " payment method owned by X and recognized as such by the community to which X belongs "
can furthermore define the 5 key points to ensure the proper functioning of such a currency RMD:
a) Who makes (Local authorities, was commissioned by the state)
b) How is issues (monthly, 9 or 15 billion euros, or rather of "Euro-RMD", in parity with the euro for ease of calculation)
c) How is issued (via a card-type 'VITAL' or 'Moneo' read by any terminal and any bank fund super market, and any merchant's card reader)
d) To what, for whom: to support the RMD for each community member
e) Who controls: the community on the issue and the 'bailout' of each map at the beginning of each month. Always
to show the impact of RMD and RMD for a currency economy 'humanist', respectful of the man and his environment, then include a remark of Philip Derudder " [such a change may also allow ] the simultaneous opening of sites with both a social activity for ecological change.
[So ...] Open a wide range of societal activities (with paid training to enable the priority use of all persons currently excluded or marginalized) leading to restore "full employment", paid work in complementary currency legal tender ... "
Pending suggestions, comments, criticisms, BL
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