Friday, July 25, 2008

Carmella Bing Galleries

[SUMMARY] Saturday, July 26, 2008

# Click on the links to see the videos corresponding #

11:47: People are waking up, the phone rang!
Isabelle picks: It gains 1000 €

12:49: Lawrence & Isa are outside, not a sound ...
Isa says she will not take 15 days

1:07 p.m.: Lawrence Quentin & Isa are out and talking, they talk about Lavoix, the number of cameras that are in the house

1:13 p.m.: Lawrence, Quentin & Isa speak red phone

1:17 p.m.: Lawrence says it is better to avoid setting up clans and wants to spend a good week with the others, he said that the sardines have made the gesture back to them and it's better

1:29 p.m.: Matthias listening to music with the M3 Hayder and takes his breakfast
The phone rings, Matthias replied: He has one minute to gather everyone at the show, Sinom everyone loses 500 €!

13:30: Whew! Everyone managed to meet at 1:35 p.m. lounge

: Lavoix gives the rules of the red phone: A new element has emerged is a phone that delivers surprising news. The phone can ring at any time of day and night and everyone should meet at the show when it rings, if no one answers or that all people are not met, they may lose their pool of 2,000 euros

1:40 p.m.: People are afraid of the phone, because it may give immunity to earn money but also lose

14:00: JD & Cyril discuss with Isa. They reparlent the Crystal Room
Lawrence speaks with Matthias red phone after 6 rings of the phone if nobody answers, they lose money

2:03 p.m.: The phone rings! Lawrence replies, Lavoie asked to cite the name of the person he said he most enjoys Isabelle Lavoie tells her he takes his pot of € 2000

2:08 p.m.: Cyril, JD, Hayder, Isabelle, Matthias & Lawrence They speak out
discuss the secret of Isabella, and evoke the magic black

2:11 p.m.: Isabelle: "There's an expression on dandelions for my secret
Lawrence (quote expression)" You're silk undertaker death or the funeral director you work then -because that term means his death "

2:14 p.m.: Matthias:" There's Benoit Poelvoorde of its MP3 (a Hayder)
Isabelle (rising at once) "heee is not true let me listen please do "

2:17 p.m.: JD speaks with Isabelle, he wants evidence, he asks if death is related, she said yes, he says she's exorcist but Isabella said no and it does are not

2:22 p.m.: Cyril & JD talk red phone. Cyril think they have to keep the clan sardines go slowly and hope that JD will have immunity, and that girls will nominate Quentin

14h55: All residents must make the target exception
today is the day of the supermarket and convenience items requested by the residents are in the supermarket. Lavoix will ask them to bring an object, they have a credit
All times on the target without moving, Lavoix to address each class of object and one Lavoix means must fetch only the requested object and the clock starts as soon as it leaves the target and ended when the latter reaches the target

15.00: Lawrence must return an object beginning with the sillabe Bi
Samantha must bring a yellow object
JD must return an object ending by his "eur"

3:03 p.m.: Hayder must bring an item for girls only, he brings the wax but Lavoix Quentin has refused and asked to return an item for girls only

3:07 p.m.: Mary must return an object has an object Cyril
hair starting with G

3:09 p.m. Isabelle must bring a square object and burgundy

3:11 p.m.: People have the right 2mn49 in the store!

15:15: The people must go to the rooms

3:18 p.m.: Cyril plucks legs Alexandra

15.30 JD epilating chest hair with wax

3:32 p.m.: Samantha is the household
Isabelle & Laurent sit on the couch and discuss

3:39 p.m.: Maryline & Samantha listen to music with MP3 Hayder

16h10: Matthias feels ready to go shopping, he spotted what he will take

4:12 p.m.: The phone is ringing: Samantha replies: Lavoix tells him she loses € 1000

4:32 p.m.: Lavoix ask all residents to get together before the store
Matthias prepares to enter the store, Lavoie said Matthias property has to put products into bags

4:35 p.m.: Matthias finished his race, people are happy, he returned with an armful

16h40: Matthias & Sam already hide food

4:44 p.m.: JD Samantha: "Can I drink it or not"
Samantha: "No you can not worry it's just that you get up late and you have lunch time where we want to eat "

16.45: Lawrence does the dishes. Marilyn & Alice prepare meals

16h50: JD "What the rules to eat? Me pissed off, everyone must eat at the time he wants it is not at Koh-Lanta"
Samantha: "No JD, after it was nothing, and they do not give in, so you have food 2am 3am, so when we awoke in the morning there's nothing left
Matthias" We are in the morning not even a spread, all you food is boring "
JD" But I stop eating a sandwich or 2 "
Alce" Should also see the size of my sandwich "
JD" Stop getting drunk, what you tell me about my bread, go tagueul firm for the food it is not at Koh-Lanta "
Matthias:" This is the truth my friend, eat your all, all 3, one is forced to hide of the food "

16.55 pm: The Beetles vs. Sardines, they put the item on the" i "for food
The Beetles are fed sardines eat everything that has 3 - 4 am that morning and they don have nothing to eat, the sardines are tired of waiting for the other eat when hungry

5:02 p.m.: Hayder told the others that it is normal to eat more things than the others because it is bigger than themselves, Lawrence & Samantha say that this is not normal and that of selfishness

5:04 p.m.: Samantha gets angry on Hayder who do not understand what Samantha said since earlier
Alexandra believes she can not not eat between meals , and sets the rules without telling others.

5:07 p.m.: Lawrence believes that this is not normal that some people make meals between meals

17h10: The people have decided to get up at the same time each morning for breakfast and those who want to go back to bed to lie down

5:17 p.m.: Cyril told JD to make efforts if it will not be nominated
Cyril & JD speak appointments. They are safe & Mary Alice are nominated JD he must try to talk to Sam that she's the nomine Sinom death for him 5:22 p.m.

Cyril said Alexandra or JD may go to the finalists

5:46 p.m.: Cyril speaks again of the museum secrets. He said that the indices are not that easy

5:48 p.m.: Alice finds it disgusting to eat dog or cat, Matthias said that hunger justifies the means
JD talks with Matthias

17h50: People eat
their lunch 19h01: The Sardines & Hayder are in their rooms
Marilyn Alice has made a brushing

19h20: Hayder is in the room and speaks with sardines Cyril & JD. He says he regrets his choice to vote and that his opinions have changed over the inhabitants.

7:23 p.m.: Sardines Hayder told the other girls (clan beetles) did not listen and listen and always Matthias Lawrence and has no place with them

19:40: The people are all before the plasma. Lavoix inform them that tonight there will be a contest of "Air Guitar"
They watch videos of "Air Guitar" to train

8:57 p.m.: Alice prepares tea. Hayder makes sport

21:00: The people will find their pot
Alexandra: 0 €
Alice: 4000 €
Quentin: 10.300 €
Matthias: € 17,700
Isabelle: € 17,300
Marylin: 22,800 €
Lawrence: 9100 €
Cyril: € 33,700
Hayder: € 67,700
Samantha: 4100 €
JD: 7900 €

9:12 p.m.: Cyril & JD pumps are

9:32 p.m.: People do not want to do the evening Air Guitar

9:41 p.m.: The phone rings! Samantha in the shower should rush out
Alice answer: A Another voice tells him that Lavoix that tomorrow it will be fine

9:58 p.m.: The people are preparing for their evening. Their uniforms do not like them, they are black, one should appreciate Isabelle

10:10 p.m.: People use makeup, are beautiful for their evening air guitar. Cyril is a long earring.

10:33 p.m.: Someone from the production told the people to go on the target and to hurry!

10:36 p.m.: The residents have arranged with the prod for alcohol. They are happy

10:43 p.m.: The evening air guitar. Lawrence is the first to enter the track
Follow Samantha & Quentin

22h45: JD does not make the evening air guitar he leaves his place was Isabelle

10:48 p.m.: Alice's turn to play the game of Air Guitar

23:00: The Best Air Guitar is Samantha according to residents. Lavoie said she earns a surprise in the cellar: A diploma for the best Air Guitar

11:04 p.m.: The evening is no, people want to boycott because they did not use alcohol, they complain of not have them, the prod gave them two bottles of champagne

11:20 p.m.: People are out and talking, rock music is on the menu for the evening 11:31 p.m.

: Cyril & Samantha Quentin learns how the dome with one hand
Samantha, Matthias Cyril, Alice & dance Quentin. JD talks with Isabella and tries to find his secret

11:35 p.m.: Matthias Cyril "Damn Remade as you say you got big b **** r a princess guy"
Cyril "Oh, I'm again in my neighborhood j 'am again "

11:40 p.m.: Isabelle speaks to Samantha, she asked if she thinks her secret is she a guy Silk, Samantha tells him not too low, Isabelle said that Sardines think it is a guy and it's shit, Samantha said no she swears that it's not a guy and it happens not to find his secret

11:42 p.m.: People eat sandwiches

23:45: Marylin told Sardines Isa is not a man and she has no "Kekette"

11:50 p.m.: Samantha speaks privately with Alex, it does not feel like celebrating it says there is no atmosphere and mourns the fact that he lacks party Maeve Silk, Samantha tells her that when things are going it may not come to see

Summary by


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